It is our intention to acquire farm managers and consultants to introduce and implement the Petrik Bio-Organo-Mineral System (PBS) with their growers. We provide assistance to execute this system by utilizing an easy management package to proactively support the natural processes of soil and plants.
Developing a knowledge base to implement PBS with growers is achieved in a variety of methods. On-the-job opportunities are the primary method of learning Petrik principles of balancing soil microbiology, adjusting carbon inputs and electrochemisty. To complement the on-the-field opportunities, we provide analytical data reports that go far beyond what most soil, tissue and water offer. These reports help to provide a full spectrum of nutritional needs. Crop specific outlines provide guidance on how to implement the system at critical stages of plant growth. Various technical writings and seminars are also available to those actively involved in the promoting the Petrik System with growers.
We seek managers and consultants who desire to promote the Petrik Bio-Organo-Mineral System versus product remedies, balanced nutrition versus N-P-K as usual, adequate carbon input versus using what is handy. Promotion of sustainable methods producing nutritious, flavorful crops is our goal.